This shrine is dedicated to Sugawara-no-Michizane, who was also known as the god of academics. It is noted as one of three major types of Japanese shrines.
Travel Blogger's Review
A first year student with the Faculty of Tourism at Wakayama University. Enjoyed sightseeing in Wakayama City on January 24, 2021.
This shrine is dedicated to Michizane Sugawara, the god of learning. Many votive tablets were seen to pray for schoolwork. The main shrine is located at the top of a long and steep staircase, and the view is exceptional. It was a nice view despite the cloudy weather on the day, so if it was sunny, it would of been a better view.
A first year student with the Faculty of Tourism at Wakayama University. Enjoyed sightseeing in Wakayama City on January 24, 2021.
It is known as one of the three Suga temples in Japan, together with Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine and Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.
Climbing up the stairs in the shrine precincts, you can enjoy the spectacular view of Wakaura.
In the shrine precincts, there were many votive plaques praying for success in school, as the shrine is the god of academic achievement. Looking back on my own time as a student preparing for exams, I was inspired to study hard too.
In-depth traveller, columnist and host of a travel program, integrating literary, historical and philosophical art into travel writing. Selected as a pro-writer, student favorite writer, my favorite star travel expert, international travel exhibition ambassador, Japan and South Korea and other countries travel ambassadors.
He've been to Wakayama City, from 20th to 22nd February in 2020.
His blog is "終生遊學".
The first year of Reiwa era in Wakayama City. The time plum trees are in full bloom in the warm breeze.
The seaside area of Wakayama called “Wakaura” is recognised as Japanese Heritage for its beautiful scenery. In Heian period, its beautiful scenery was already painted in Ukiyo-e, japanese traditional painting.
In Wakaura that located in seasaide area, there is a Wakayama bay with silent ocean in light wind, where little tourist visit. There are two shirines. One is called Kishu Toshogu shrine where people worships Tokugawa Shogun family, and the other is called Tenmangu shrine where people worships the god of study.
My heart was covered with joy, watching branches of trees with full of pink red color. The aroma of plum tree coming from somewhere, thus spring won’t be too long from now.
Without going through ice cold winter, plum tree won’t smell sweet. When Hongkong is suffering from virus, we should pray to god for help.
She is travel blogger. She is good at Solo Travel.
In the beginning of November , 2017, she took a trip to Wakayama City.
Her blog is “ Voyages et Vagabondages ”.
Juste à côté se trouve le temple de Tenman-gu. La montée par les escaliers est encore plus scabreuse, mais la vue est spectaculaire. Un festival se préparait lorsque je suis arrivée en fin d’après-midi et les chants des moines résonnaient dans toute la forêt, donnant une atmosphère plus magique au lieu. Jusque ce que résonne le chant un peu moins mystique de Madonna… les filles du collège préparait leur danse pour le soir dans l’une des salles du temple. Malheureusement, je n’ai pas pu assister au festival ce soir-là, devant rendre mon vélo et le temple étant plutôt excentré.
She is blogger and journalist.
In the beginning of March, 2017, she took a trip to Wakayama City.
Her blog is “Le Blog de Sarah”.
Le temple de Wakaura Tenman-gu (accès gratuit) est dédié au dieu de la scolarité et les jeunes viennent y prier pour réussir leurs examens.