Saikazaki Cape
雑賀崎- Wakaura Bay
- Saikazaki Cape lighthouse
- The sunrise and the sunset to watch from Saikazaki are beautiful +1
- Address
Saikazaki, Wakayama City
〒641-0062 和歌山県和歌山市雑賀崎
The refined and stunning landscape of this area has captured people’s hearts since 800 A.D., with a number of beautiful gardens and shrines across the region. The sunset view of the islands, floating on the sunset-colored sea surface is a sight deserved for visiting.
Travel Blogger's Review

- 瓶顆(pink)
- She is a travel blogger. She is a Taiwanese living in Tokyo.
In mid-October 2021 she took a trip to Wakayama City.
Her blog is here:
The Saikazaki Lighthouse opened an observation deck in August 2019. Just as I arrived the sun was setting and was in a great position. The energy from the sun and pouring sprinkling orange and red like colors in the sky and the sea, was the most dreamy color gradation!!

- Yosuke_Kashiwakura
- Nature photographer. He works mainly in advertising and magazines.
In mid-October 2021 he took a trip to Wakayama City.
The website is here:
The Saikazaki Lighthouse is located at the entrance to the Setonaikai National Park, overlooking Awaji Island and Shikoku. It reminds me of the deep relationship between Japan and the sea that has continued since ancient times.
I heard that Saikazaki fishing port is called the Amalfi of Japan. I drove over to see the scene. The houses lined up along the steep terrain certainly looked like Amalfi. In fact, there are ports with this kind of terrain all over Japan, but it may be rare to see such a beautiful and dense scene. As we entered a narrow alley, we found an old man climbing up a steep staircase. He looked so strong and strong-legged that he didn’t seem to have any connection with the word “bedridden”. In the fishing village, there was a women’s clothing shop, a barber shop, a takoyaki (octopus dumpling) shop, and other nostalgic subjects with the atmosphere of the Showa era.

- Stephanie
- Weng Peiyi, graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Waseda University in Japan. A backpacking trip after graduating from the university subverted her perception of travel, changed her view of world, and then shared her travel experience on the online platform, Freelancer. Love nature, travel, culture, text, film, and photography.
I did not expect Wakayama to have such a beautiful lighthouse that looks at the sea and the sunset.
Both the sights and the locals visiting are calm and laid back, so that people living in the same space are also at ease. 90% of the visitors are locals. This place to watch the sunset is surrounded by dwellings, and the location is quite remote, but we only go by bus. Even though the bus stop is a bit walking distance from the lighthouse, it is very nice to come here to watch the sunset quietly and feel the pace of life of the locals along the way.
Beautiful coastal scenery can be seen along the road.
Every few steps in this place, I feel the scenery is picturesque, I have the urge to take pictures, and I keep burning the film.
In the villages gathered on the hills, each house seems to have its own story. Walking step by step through the dwellings and getting close to the lives of the locals has become the meaning of my trip in recent years.
The lighthouse has 3 floors (including the underground floor), the second floor has seats for rest, and the third floor has the most open view.
The view from the height of the lighthouse.
Witness the flaming sun into the vast sea.
Looking back at the lighthouse on the return journey was another sight. The villages gathered on the hillside are neatly lined up, and look more like landscapes when viewed from a distance.
Sugagasaki light stand
Address: Wakayama, Wakayama, Sugagasaki, Takayama, 809-2, 810-2 Transportation: Take a bus to the ” Sugagasaki Yuen
” station and walk for about 15 minutesItinerary planning for 4 days and 3 nights. Unpopular Attractions

- Loic Lagarde
- I'm a 37 years old French photographer based in Paris and native of Brittany.
Passion for photography has grown steadily when I was traveling all around the world trying to capture every unforgettable experience I met on my way with a view to collect and share them.
He've been to Wakayama City, from 26th to 28th November in 2018.
Further in the south of Wakayama center, you can visit Saigasaki Area, a quiet harbor perfect to have a rest.
Wakayama City tourist PR business
@Loic Lagarde

- Lucie Aidart
- She is travel blogger. She is good at Solo Travel.
In the beginning of November , 2017, she took a trip to Wakayama City.
Her blog is “ Voyages et Vagabondages ”.
Ce sont deux quartiers splendides de la ville de Wakayama, que j’espère vraiment avoir le temps de découvrir plus avant la prochaine fois. Parsemés de temples, de monts, de ponts anciens, de plages, de phares, de divers points de vue et de villages de pêcheur, il y a de quoi explorer le coin pendant plusieurs jours. Je me suis contentée de visiter quelques temples, de faire quelques mini-randos en hauteur pour admirer la vue, de profiter de la plage en solo et de la vue sur la mer et de traverser toute la zone à vélo, le vent dans les cheveux (tout du moins en descente).
©Voyages et Vagabondages