The enshrined deity at Itakiso-jinja Shrine is Itakeru-no-mikoto, a God of Wood. The legend in Japanese mythology says that he covered the whole country with trees. The shrine is surrounded by lots of trees today. The people in the lumbering industry often come to visit Itakiso-jinja Shrine to pray for their business and safety. It is also believed that the action of going through a big tree fork would protect people against dangers and bad luck. This area is also famous for bamboo plants.
Travel Blogger's Review
Lucie Aidart
She is travel blogger. She is good at Solo Travel.
In the beginning of November , 2017, she took a trip to Wakayama City.
Her blog is “ Voyages et Vagabondages ”.
Enfin, j’ai découvert totalement par hasard, dans la campagne de Wakayama, le magnifique temple Itakiso-jinja, dédié au dieu du bois et pouvant débarrasser de la malchance. Le temple se trouve à la station Idakiso dans un coin de campagne paumé. Le complexe est entièrement boisé et respire la sérénité. Le temple en lui-même, tout de bois, est majestueux et impressionnant. Les sculptures, la boiserie et son toit de chaume complète le tout pour un temple original et touchant.