A long-established café with a 40-year history, located across Kimii-dera Temple. Visitors can enjoy hawaiian food such as pancakes and smoothies.
Travel Blogger's Review
Lucie Aidart
She is travel blogger. She is good at Solo Travel.
In the beginning of November , 2017, she took a trip to Wakayama City.
Her blog is “ Voyages et Vagabondages ”.
juste au pied du temple Kimii-dera, vous trouverez le café Kissa Wako, un café hawaïen géré par Hazuki Iwazaki. Après une longue balade à vélo, j’avais besoin de cette pause rafraîchissante. Les crevettes grillées à l’ail étaient réconfortantes et sans doute l’un des meilleurs plats que j’ai pu manger récemment. Le bol d’açai était délicieux et fondant et fait avec des myrtilles et fraises locales. La propriétaire parle très bien Anglais, est adorable et m’a même offert un billet pour visiter le temple juste à côté!
She is travel blogger based in Sydney.
In the beginning of March, 2017, she took a trip to Wakayama City.
Her blog is "GIRL TWEETS WORLD". http://www.girltweetsworld.com/
It all became clear however when the manager, Hazuki Iwasaki, introduced herself to me as the third generation of her family to manage the café. After discovering a love of Hawaii during her studies, Hazuki introduced smoothies,acai bowls and surfboards to the family-run café. I enjoyed tucking into a plate of acai that was complimented with fruits from Wakayama and caught up on emails using the free wifi.