WAKAYA 津屋Information
- Address
2-6-2 Wakaura higashi, Wakayama City
〒641-0021 和歌山県和歌山市和歌浦東2-6-2
- Open Hours
- Eat-in: 11:00-14:30 (L.O14:00)
Lunch box: 10:30-19:00 (L.O. 18:30)
- Phone Number
- +81-73-444-0525
- Website
- https://genjiro.jp/
- Wi-Fi
- ◯
- Recommended
- Meal set (rice, miso soup, Japanese pickled vegetables) + volcanic ash-dried sanma (mackerel pike)
Rice made with a traditional Japanese firewood cauldron, volcanic ash-dried fish, and homemade-style dishes, etc. The restaurant has a nostalgic atmosphere from the Showa era.